Digital Marketing
Ad campaigns in a digital era
There are 5.11 Billion unique Mobile users in the world
Grow Your Business By Tapping Into That Market

Digital Ad Campaigns
Brick and mortar advertising schemes are becoming less effective with every day that passes. Especially in the case of small businesses or organizations who don’t have millions of dollars to spend on large ad campaigns, social media platforms and search engines like google have effective and affordable advertising tools. Using these tools we can utilize your website to capture new leads as well as decrease your cost related to customer conversion. On top of that, we can use users page interaction to re-market to them off-site with ads related to what they interacted with on your website.
Pay Per Click Ad Campaigns
Targeted Re-marketing
Social Media Ad Campaigns
Increase Lead Conversion
What is Pay Per Click? (PPC)
It's pretty straight forward. Pay per click ad campaigns are no different than traditional ads that you would find in newspapers. The main difference is that with PPC ads you only pay when a potential customer clicks on your ad, versus paying a large sum up front for your traditional ad space. These PPC ads are shown in search engine results, google maps, before youtube videos, and even on social media platforms; from which they funnel to your website.
Google Ads or Facebook Ads?
The real answer isn't a "one or the other" statement but more of a unifying statement. These two digital advertisement platforms are extremely powerful. With Google having more than 3.5 Billion search queries every single day and Facebook having 1.55 Billion monthly active users, they become extremely effective when used in tandem. It all boils down to why choose one or the other when you can capitalize on both?
What Exactly is Ad Re-Targeting?
Ad re-targeting is an extremely powerful tool. In short, it allows for delivering ads to users on other platforms that are related to your business. Basically, when a customer visits your site their cookies are tagged with a marker. This marker is used on other sites to deliver ads related to that audience from your re-targeted ad campaign. It can be an effective tool for increasing ROI and decreasing cost of conversion since the ads are relevant to the customer.
What Makes an Effective Ad?
An effective ad boils down to a few primary things. Customer demand, if there isn't an audience interested in your product your ad will never perform well. Competitor intelligence, researching what successful companies are ranking with. Unique selling proposition, what sets you apart and why should a customer give you there business over your competitor? The list goes on, but the focus is creating a compelling ad that convinces customers.
How Do You Track Conversion?
Tracking conversion depends mostly on what kind of conversions you want to track. Lets say you have an online store and want to track conversions. You can create a thank you/receipt page on which a tracking code goes generated by Google Analytics. So, when a customer completes an order and lands on the page this will trigger Google Analytics to count this as a conversion. This is one of many different ways to track customer conversion.
How Do You Ensure Effective ROI?
ROI stands for Return On Investment. The goal of every ad user ever is to increase conversions and reduce spending. How do you track this? This can be done with a simple formula: (revenue) / (cost of goods sold) = ROI. So, all that needs to be done is track how much money you have made through PPC campaigns and then divide that by your total cost for generating that revenue and you'll get the total ROI for the ad campaign.
Streamlined for your convenience
Our Ad Campaign Process
Step 1
We sit down with you and discuss what your goals for your ad campaigns are as well as the budget you would be willing to spend in order to be competitive in the ad space. We then move on to the next step.
Step 2
We plan out a comprehensive digital ad campaign utilizing all of the tools necessary dictated by the assessment step. We share this ad campaign plan with you and get your approval.
Step 3
Market Research
We perform market research based on what target audience you want to target with your advertisements. We then marry these research stats with the digital ad campaign created in step 2 to create the outline of the entire ad campaign that will be ran. This then sent over to be approved by the client.
Step 4
Create Ad Material
If the ad campaign requires ad material such as videography or photography we will produce this ad material for our clients. The ad material is then sent over for approval by the client.
Step 5
Launch Ads
Finally, steps 2, 3, and 4 are all combined to create a finished ad campaign that is ready to be launched. The ads are launched and now the tracking and monitoring phase begins.
Step 6
Monitor, Maintain, & Improve
Now that the ads are launched we will now monitor, maintain, and improve these ads to ensure that they are performing properly. This will include tracking website statistics, user conversions from PPC traffic, cost per conversion, etc.