What is eLearning?

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eLearning refers to a learning system that is based on formalized teaching using electronic resources. Many terms are used to describe it, such as online training, computerized electronic learning, and internet learning. All these terms refer to the type of learning delivered online through the internet.

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It is highly likely that people who use eLearning in business will tell you how convenient and impactful it is. In the modern day’s “always-on” world, online learning offers various benefits to organizations and learners. 

Whether you are an electronic learning beginner or expert, you can’t deny the fact that its popularity and adoption has skyrocketed in the 21st century.

For employers, eLearning offers a time-efficient and affordable way to train workers. In return, trainees benefit from interactive and convenient training that improves their knowledge and skills.

Modern organizations are utilizing internet learning in many other ways, including training their customers and partners to increase retention, adoption, and revenue. Certainly, the use of online training is not fading, and its demand is expected to continue increasing in the coming days.

As organizations continue to invest in modern technologies, the delivery of training and instructions through digital resources will be very popular.

The acquisition of tablets, computers, and even cellular phones will be an essential part of almost every organization’s technological acquisitions. With these gadgets, it will become easier and cost-effective to educate and train employees through the internet.


How has eLearning evolved?

To understand the benefits of internet learning to modern organizations, it is vital to reflect on how it has evolved. The term “eLearning” was coined by Elliott Maisie 1999. Since then, the reputation of this term has been growing rapidly.

But what factors have influenced the popularity of eLearning, particularly in delivering training in organizations?

  • The internet – prior to the internet, organizations relied on printed manuals and other restrictive methods to train and impact skills on their employees. But the invention of the internet revolutionized the way organizations conduct training. Today, many have abandoned the one-dimensional and restrictive practices and approaches and have instead adopted electronic learning.
  • Affordable digital solutions – over the past decades, the cost of computers and other ICT devices has reduced significantly. This has made it possible for both individuals and organizations to acquire the technological devices they need to facilitate working and business.
  • Advancement of multimedia – technological advancement has revolutionized the use of various technological tools, including multimedia. The ease of integrating elements such as graphics, videos, text, and images has made it possible to develop online instructions that can be transmitted reliably through the internet.

Together with the invention of cloud-based systems and eLearning management systems, these factors continue to facilitate convenient and cost-effective training and education via the internet.

With the advancement in learning systems and technology, electronic leaning has been embraced across the United States. Whether you are in the Phoenix area in Arizona, USA, or any other part of the world, you can access convenient and affordable digital solutions for eLearning.

In the corporate sector, e-learning has proved to be very successful in facilitating training programs. Managers can impart skills and knowledge to employees while sitting in board rooms. Besides, seminars for one company or different organizations can be conducted from one point regardless of the participants.


The Benefit of eLearning to Organizations.

  • Cost-effective

Among all the advantages, this is the most significant internet learning presents to organizations, and it’s undoubtedly one of the most welcoming.

Traditional forms of training are not only frustrating to maintain but also very expensive, particularly when the diversity of some organizations such as those in the Phoenix Area in Arizona is put into perspective.

Nonetheless, online training removes the costs of printing bulky training materials. Besides, it eliminates the need to have on-site instructors. An organization needs to develop just one e-training manual, which can be shared among all the trainees.

Whenever a module within the manual requires an update or change, it can be performed easily without the need to print and circulate the revised manual.

  • Saves time

Time is a precious commodity, particularly in a working setting. Managers and workers can save a lot of time through eLearning.

Regarding traditional training methods, a lot of training costs go into the transportation of trainers and trainees, venue hire, and other related costs.

However, with electronic learning, all these costs are eliminated because neither the trainer nor the trainees need to travel to attend training. Besides, the need to book huge venues to accommodate many trainees is done away with.

Trainers can facilitate learning from one board room as trainees can follow from respective board rooms in different locations.

Training manuals can be stored in a learning management system where employees can access them when they need to. This saves a significant amount of time.

  • Productivity and performance improvement

Electronic learning permits trainees to more easily and quickly complete their training. This results in greater productivity and improved performance.

Employees appreciate the freedom of participating in training at their preferred time. This is one of the ways they can feel motivated to work productively and further their knowledge through eLearning.

This is because online training offers employees the flexibility to learn from any location and at their own pace.

  • Low environmental effect

Organizations across the world have become conscious of their environment because of the effect of the surrounding on the organization as well as the external world.

Therefore, every organization is making conscious efforts to minimize its carbon footprint as an element of its corporate responsibility strategy.

In these lines, eLearning is one of the effective methods of lowering an organization’s environmental effects.

This is because it provides an alternative to paper-based training and instructions and contributes considerably to an environmental-friendly and more sustainable workplace.


Based on the benefits of eLearning to organizations, the effectiveness and importance of electronic learning cannot be ignored or taken lightly.

Looking for Phoenix eLearning or want to know more about the benefits of eLearning systems? Look no further!

Liquid Medium Media will address all your E-learning needs.

Contact us today at +1 (209) 325 – 0404

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